Proseminar topics, SS 2007

Themen und Termine:

Die Bearbeitung der Themen erfolgt in Zweiergruppen. Jede Gruppe bearbeitet ein Kapitel aus dem Buch Human-Computer Interaction von Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale. Zusätzlich suchen Sie 3 aktuelle wissenschaftliche Publikationen zum Thema Ihres Kapitels und stellen diese Publikationen zusammen mit dem Buch vor.

Interaction design basics
  • 12. April: Rajveer Saini, Wolfgang Kluth

Design rules
  • 19. April: Eduard Renz, Robert Morys

Implementation support
  • 26. April: Esther Schichler, Tobias Quix

Evaluation techniques
  • 10. Mai: Ivo Jacobs, Sharon Bockholdt

Universal design
  • 24. Mai: Christian Corsten, Michael Lottko

User support
  • 14 June: Han Xiao, Bin Tan

Cognitive models
  • 21. June: Jan-Martin Pulwit, Claas Oppitz

Socio-organizational issues and stakeholder requirements
  • 28. June: Thorsten Lennarz, Timo Henrich

Communication and collaboration models
  • 28. June: Yan Ludwig, Esra Yalcin

Task analysis
  • 05. Juli: Christoph Will, Sebastian Burger

  • 05. Juli: Sören Busch, Andreas Neu

Ubiquitous computing and augmented realities
  • 12. Juli: Benjamin Grap, Jan-Peter Krämer


A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. D. Abowd, R. Beale: Human Computer Interaction, Prentice Hall, 3. Auflage, 2003. ISBN-10: 0130461091, ISBN-13: 978-0130461094

Part One: Foundations 1. The human (input and output channels, memory, information processing, emotion...)
2. The computer (input and output devices and displays for interactive use, VR, devices in the physical world, paper I/O, memory and RAM, processing) *
3. The interaction (interaction models, human errors, ergonomics, interaction styles: command line, wimp, dialogs, social and organizational context)
4. Paradigms (examples of strategies for building interactive systems, history of interactive computing) *

Part Two: Design Proces 5. Interaction design basics (design process, user focus, scenarios, iteration and prototyping)
6. HCI in the software process (software engineering, usability engineering, design rationale)
7. Design rules (guidelines, golden rules and heuristics, HCI patterns)
8. Implementation support (architecture of windowing systems, toolkits, user interface management systems)
9. Evaluation techniques (usability testing, functionality and acceptability of interactive systems)
10. Universal design (multimodal systems, designing for impaired people, different cultures and ages)
11. User support (designing accurate, robust, flexible, consistent help systems, wizards...)

Part Three: Models and Theories 12. Cognitive models (representing user's task and goal structure, GOMS, BNF, keystroke-level model)
13. Socio-organizational issues and stakeholder requirements (acceptance of technology in the organization, participatory design, contextual inquiry)
14. Communication and collaboration models (human-human communication, text-communication, group working)
15. Task analysis (study the way people perform tasks with exiting systems, tasks and subtasks, sources of information)
16. Dialogue notations and design (STN, petri nets, flow charts...)
17. Models of the system (formalisms to specify an interactive system, modeling what the system does, predictability, observability, reachability)
18. Modelling rich interaction (status-event analysis, rich contexts, sensor-based interaction)

Part Four: Outside the Box 19. Groupware (collaborative environments, video conferencing, meeting systems and rooms)
20. Ubiquitous computing and augmented realities (linking the real world with the electronic world, ubicomp, VR, augmented reality, information visualization)
21. Hypertext, multimedia, and the world wide web (web technology, navigation, static and dynamic content)
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prosemhciintro2007.pdf Folien-Vorbesprechung-2007 1004 kB 1542 2007-06-29 11:48   40615 kB 776 2007-07-24 14:13

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