Face of Sam Mattiussi

Sam Mattiussi

Thesis Student

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Hi everybody, my name is Sam Mattiussi.

I wrote my Bachelor thesis in the context of Fabric Faces and my supervisor was Adrian Wagner.

Bachelor's Thesis

Supervisor: Adrian Wagner, M. Sc. My Bachelor's Thesis: Fabric Faces Library: Designing connectors for foldable textile structures

Abstract: The Fabric Faces project consists of simplifying an object to a certain extend and then unfolding it to make it flat. The flattened model will be a kind of a wireframe model which will then be printed on top of textile. This flattened model can then be assembled using connectors on the edges. With this method, we will be able to save filament. Furthermore, this method makes the finished object lighter and more space saving. Using textile for the shell allows different aesthetics as well as soft surfaces. This thesis will concentrate on the connection of the edges. We designed a library of connectors which can be used for different applications in the construction process of an object. The connectors should make the flattened model easy to assemble and disassemble. While testing the different connectors in a user study, we found that some were better suited than others. In addition, we contributed to creating a process which simplifies the task of printing onto textile.



  • Sam Mattiussi. Fabric Faces Library: Designing connectors for foldable textile structures. Bachelor's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, November 2020.
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