Multimodal Media Madness WS 04/05 Project Competition
The theme for the Multimodal Media Madness WS 04/05 final projects this year was "Interactive Art". Students were asked to create an interactive art installation for public spaces (e.g. a museum) using Max/MSP over the span of about 5 weeks.The first annual M3 final project competition was held on Monday, January 31, 2005. Congratulations to all participants for a job extremely well done!
Grand Prize
Legoleptic: Bringing the "Madness" back into "Multimodal Media Madness"Daniel Grams, Nils Vehreschild, Bjoern Ganslandt, Johannes Schnettker
Other Cool Projects (in no particular order)
Music Garden: Listen to the flowersStefan Breuer, Tanja Wellens, Robert Hochstrat, Florian Klumb
InstruFace: "Das war Turkish" (Intro video)
Nikolaus Koemm, Christian Brockly, Alexander Schiffel, Moritz Wittenhagen
Rock Concert: They will rock you (Intro video)
Emanuel Angelescu, Canan Bicer, Marcel Nyenhuis, Florian Reske