Multimodal Media Madness - Winter Semester 2004/2005

Final Project Competition/Presentation - Submission Instructions
Due on Monday, January 31, 2005 @23:59


Congratulations! The semester is almost over, so we'd like to take the opportunity to remind you about the things you need to submit for your final project.


Project presentations will take place on Monday, January 31 in 2U13 at 10:30 am. On that day of the presentation, please be sure to arrive promptly at 10:00 to set everything up. You will have 15 minutes to demo and talk about your work, followed by a brief question and answer period. Note that if you are not ready to present when called upon, you will receive zero for the presentation component of the project!

In addition to counting towards your project grade, prizes will be awarded for the best project demonstration.


To help us grade your project, we'd like you to prepare a small write-up on the work you did, in the form of a simple website. It should include the following information:

  • Name of your project.
  • Names of all group members.
  • Brief introduction describing what your instrument does, and the motivation behind your idea.
  • A high-level list of tasks your accomplished for your project.
  • Brief description of any specific problems/challenges you encountered.
  • Possibilities for future work.
  • List of references.
  • Links to your Max/MSP patches.

You will not be graded on how your website looks, so just keep it simple and clean.

Email an archive in zip format of your website to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by January 31st 2005 before midnight. The archive should be stand-alone and complete, including your Max/MSP patches. You may link to external websites in your references section, but everything else should be included in your archive.

The entry point of your website should be a file named exactly "index.html".


Your final project grade will be determined using the scheme given here.