Research Projects: iStuff


iStuff Open Source Project


Maintained by Tico Ballagas.

Project Proposal (Jan Borchers, Oct 23, 2001)

Research question:
"Can we speed up and simplify setting up experiments with different user interface hardware configurations in an augmented-reality environment such as the Stanford iRoom, by providing a toolkit of basic, generic physical input and output devices that are new in that they are completely mobile, untethered, and remotely accessible through the room software infrastructure (event heap), and that can therefore be combined on-the-fly to build or extend physical post-desktop user interfaces?"

This means that our "users" would in fact be primarily developers who wish to assemble post-desktop GUIs quickly using our toolbox, although more mature technologies could be turned into permanent, end-user interaction devices as well (like an iButton to get the iRoom into a certain state, etc.)
Measurements (as an example):

  • Have the GroupStorm project run 2 experiments, one without and one with an "iLight" on their graphics tablets to provide user feedback about the state of the tablet. Interview the GroupStorm developers to find out whether the iLight made their task of administering these 2 experiments easier, compared to having to custom-build a feedback light to go onto the Wacom tablet.

A similar argument could be made for other devices. For example, an iButton could be added to the eBeam pen system that Andy Milne from CDR is using, to be able to compare it more easily with our Wacom solution for GroupStorm.

For more information please visit the original project homepage at: This is a copy of the original iStuff project pages at Stanford university ( that are no longer available.