Face of Bilal Hameed

Bilal Hameed

Master Thesis Student

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The REXplorer is a mobile pervasive community game that is designed to lure visitors out of the museum setting to see the medieval treasures of this well-preserved city with their own eyes. Visitors will receive missions or stunts on their mobile phone that will lead them to certain locations that have historical or scenic significance. Interactions will consist of missions that require users to record video, audio, take pictures, interact with large public displays, or answer questions. Users must upload proof that they have accomplished their mission before receiving the next task. Progress of each contestant can be monitored in "real-time" through a mobile media blog that displays the contestant’s media content along with an automatically generated textual description of each mission (optionally customized with personal notes). A graphic overview of the progress of each contestant over a city map will also be included in the blog. These blogs will also serve as a souvenir journal of the visitors experience in Regensburg after the trip that can be shared with their family and friends.

The project is being carried out in order to explore the following research questions:

• The effect of mobile blogging and large public display interactions in public gaming and tourist experience
• Issues and shortcomings in current interaction techniques and paradigms with large public displays.

The system will be designed as a toolkit, which will enhance future prototyping and development of mobile pervasive games.



  • Steffen P. Walz, Rafael Ballagas, Jan Borchers, Joel Mendoza, Sven Kratz, Christoph Wartmann, Claudia Fuhr, Martin J. Tann, Dong Youn Shin, Bilal Hameed, Laszlo Bardos and Ludger Hovestadt. Cell Spell-Casting: Designing a Locative and Gesture Recognition Multiplayer Smartphone Game for Tourists.  In Proc. PERGAMES, Third International Workshop on Pervasive Gaming Applications at PERVASIVE 2006, LNCS, Dublin, Ireland, May 2006.
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