Issues log for NexusFramework

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(ID) | (title)

Status: Open, Closed Severity: Vital, Major, Medium, Minor
Date raised: Deadline:
Author: ?? Owner: ??

08 | HTML Documentation

Status: Open Severity: Medium
Date raised: 25.07.14 Deadline:
Author: Marty Owner: Marty
Description: Try and get Appledoc to work to generate external documentation of the framework.

09 | Tutorial Videos Nexus

Status: Open Severity: Medium
Date raised: 25.07.14 Deadline:
Author: Marty Owner: Marty
Description: Make Tutorial Videos for Nexus Tracker

10| Eyetracker Integration

Status: Open Severity: Medium
Date raised: 25.07.14 Deadline:
Author: Marty Owner: Marty
Description: Integrate Eyetracker into Framework


01 | Create a wiki page documenting development with Nexus framework

Status: Closed Severity: Vital
Date raised: 17.6.14 Deadline: 27.06.14
Author: Chat Owner: Marty
Description: Add step by step guide, video tutorial.
Resolution: 25.06.14

03 | Test Nexus framework server modes

Status: Closed Severity: Medium
Date raised: 17.06.14 Deadline: 27.06.14
Author: Chat Owner: Marty
Compare the performance of the two server modes for DataStream protocol

Resolution: ServerPush and ClientPullPreFetch have the stablest frame rate. Use ClientPullPreFetch as default.

Notes: Once the server mode performance is tested, grab Chat to discuss the results. Please graph frame rate (Y) over time (X). One graph for each server mode.

04 | Email announcing Nexus framework

Status: Closed Severity: Minor
Date raised: 17.06.14 Deadline: 04.07.14
Author: Chat Owner: Marty
Description: Email to media list. Including the location of the code, document, and issue tracking page.
Resolution: 25.06.14

06 | Video on how to define segments and markers on Nexus side

Status: Closed Severity: Medium
Date raised: 25.06.14 Deadline: 10.07.14
Author: Chat Owner: Marty
Description: Could you add a video showing how to define markers & segments on Nexus side? Screen capture on Windows should be easy with an iPhone :D

Resolution: Nexus Tutorials page. Could be populated later with more tutorials

07 | Global and Local Rotation

Status: Closed Severity: Medium
Date raised: 08.07.14 Deadline: 25.07.14
Author: Tatjana Owner: Marty
Description: The user should be able to choose whether he wants local rotation of the segment or rotation with respect to the global origin.
At the moment, he only gets local. And wtf is static rotation?!
Resolution: local and global rotation can be chosen. Static rotation is only ever reported as 0 by the Vicon, so not used.

02 | Test development with Nexus framework

Status: Closed Severity: Major
Date raised: 17.6.14 Deadline: 27.6.14
Author: Chat Owner: Marty
Description: Ask Tatiana to test developing with the framework
Resolution: Fixed some minor bugs and incorporated her feedback
Notes: Tatjana is going to use the framework in the next couple of weeks.

05 | Code iteration 2 of Nexus framework

Status: Closed Severity: Vital
Date raised: 17.06.14 Deadline: 25.07.14
Author: Chat Owner: Marty
Resolution: Done. No bugs to be found so far.