Face of Lars Gleim

Lars Gleim

Student Assistant

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As of September 2015 I no longer work at i10.

Supervisor: Christian Corsten
Research Projects:
Development Work:
During my time at i10 I developed a gesture recognition framework for deformable objects using Kinect, based on the code of Tracking Deformable Objects with Point Clouds by Schulman et al.
On top of the object tracker, Singular Value Decomposition is used to determine the three principal components of the tracked object and its orientation in space. Some characteristics of the object such as volume and occlusion are estimated and a simple threshold-based heuristic is used to detect deformation gestures.

A short demonstration of the results can be found below.

Demo Video: Deformable Object Gesture Recognition
File Description File size Downloads Last modified
Deformable_Object_Gesture_Recognition.mp4 Deformable Object Gesture Recognition Demo 7652 kB 2177 2015-08-26 17:55

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