DIS 2 Syllabus (Aachen)

Course schedule is tentative and subject to change. Links to lecture notes and assignments will be posted as the semester progresses.
Note: You must be registered with the class to download the lecture notes and assignments.


  • Aug 1: Schein grades
  • Check out the DIS2 Project Competion Video !!!
  • Presentation schedule is posted.
  • Submission guidelines are posted.
  • The group projects are now online. If you're not listed, you haven't contacted David. Please do so ASAP.
  • Please register for the final exam before Friday, 7.7. @17:00. If you don't register, you may not be able to write the final exam. The final exam takes place in room 2010 on Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 14:15-16:45.
  • During the course, you need to take part in a user study at our group. Sign-up forms are on the black board two floors above room 2010.
    • The first user study will take place on the 6th and 7th of July. It will take 15-20 min. Please note that you have to be a native german speaker. The place will be announced via email, so please write your email adress clearly on the sign-up forms :) (Henning)
    • Another user study is scheduled for 10-14 July. It will take 15-20 min. (Marius)
  • The project description has been posted. Please take a look at it! We will be having an in lab design session to discuss your project proposal on June 19.
  • The midterm takes place in room 2010 on Tuesday, May 16, 2006, 14:00-15:00.
    • Questions relate to the topics and assignments covered in class and in lab.
  • May 10: No assignment for this week.
  • Apr 20: Assignment 3 is online, due on Tue, May 2, 2006 @23:59.
  • Apr 12: Assignment 2 is now due on Wed, Apr 19, 2006 @23:59.
  • High-resolution lecture videos (720x576, H.264, AAC)
    • Podcast (in iTunes, Advanced->Subsribe to podcast)
  • If you need a lab account to complete the assignments, please contact Christoph Wilhelm in his office.

Lecture Schedule and Slides

  1. Apr 5: Introduction, Taxonomy of Input Devices (streamed video)
  2. Apr 6: Window Systems Architecture, Graphics Event Library (streamed video)
  3. Apr 12: Base Window System (streamed video)
  4. Apr 13: Window Manager
  5. Apr 19: User Interface Toolkit Layer, Smalltalk, Morphic (streamed video) (Jan & Daniel)
  6. Apr 20: Macintosh Toolbox, X Window Systems (streamed video) (Jan & Tico & Eric)
  7. Apr 26: no class (CHI 2006)
  8. Apr 27: no class (CHI 2006)
  9. May 3: OSF/Motif, Tcl/Tk (streamed video) (Jan & Eric)
  10. May 4: Qt, Symbian (streamed video) (Jan & Tico)
  11. May 10: Java, subArctic (streamed video) (Jan & Daniel)
  12. May 11: Windows (and Stever Ballmer videos) (streamed video) (Jan & David)
  13. May 16: Midterm (midterm review, sample midterm)
  14. May 17: no lecture... time to recover from the midterm (:wink:)
  15. May 18 + May 24: Mac OS X, Part I + II (streamed video, streamed video) (Jan & Tico & Eric)
  16. May 25: no class (Christi Himmelfahrt)
  17. May 31: Event Heap, iStuff, AR (streamed video) (Jan & Daniel)
  18. Jun 1: Max/MSP (streamed video) (Jan)
  19. Jun 7: no class (Pfingsten)
  20. Jun 8: no class (Pfingsten)
  21. Jun 14: no class (DIES ACADEMICUS)
  22. Jun 15: no class (Fronleichnam)
  23. Jun 21: Web 2.0 (streamed video) (Jan & David)
  24. Jun 22: Interactive Multimedia: Audio Output (streamed video) (Jan & Daniel)
  25. Jun 28: Interactive Multimedia: Audio and Speech Input (streamed video) (Jan & Daniel)
  26. Jun 29: Interactive Multimedia: Displays, Video Input and Output (streamed video) (Jan & Eric)
  27. Jul 5: STF, Haptics (streamed video) (Jan & Daniel)
  28. Jul 6: Looking Forward + Course Evaluation (streamed video) (Jan & Daniel)
  29. Jul 10 (during lab time): Final Project Presentations
  30. Jul 11: Final Exam


  1. due Apr 11: Hello GUI
  2. due Apr 18: Input Devices, Relatively Speaking
  3. due May 2: Windows (not the Microsoft kind)
  4. due May 9: Now You See Me, Now You Don’t
  5. May 16: no assignment (midterm exam)
  6. due May 23: RAT: Really Awesome Toolkit
  7. due May 30: The X Factor
  8. due Jun 13: X-Squared
  9. due June 19: Project proposal (see pdf)


  • May 16: Midterm Exam
  • Jul 11: Final Exam
Important: Please note the date of the midterm exam and final exam. In the event that you cannot make it on those dates, it is your responsibility to notify us by May 1 for the midterm exam and by Jul 1 for the final exam, or you will receive a grade of zero.

Grading Policy

If you wish to take the course for credit, you must complete all assignments and exams. You will receive a schein upon successful completion of the course with a grade. The grade will be calculated as follows:
  • 20% - lab exercises, assignments
  • 20% - project
  • 25% - midterm exam
  • 35% - final exam
Note that you must achieve a cumulative score above 4.0 and pass the final exam to pass the course.


Assignments will be assigned weekly. They are to be completed in groups of 2 or 3. Assignments will be graded on the following scale:
  • 1.0 - exceptional work that clearly went above and beyond what was given on the exercise
  • 2.0 - exercise was completed satisfactorily as per the assignment specification
  • 3.0 - exercise was completed, but has some problems
  • 4.0 - incomplete exercise
  • 5.0 - little or no effort was put into the exercise
The assignments are designed to be completed in the Media Computing Lab in 2U13, consisting of Apple PowerMac G5 machines. However, many of the tools we will be using are cross-platform -- you are welcome to complete the assignment on your platform of choice. However, it will be your responsibility to ensure your program(s) run on the machines in the lab. Programs that do not run correctly on the lab machines will be graded as incomplete. We will be able to provide technical support for the lab machines only. Please note that submissions with a written component that do not meet the basic standards of university-level English will not be graded (example). They will be returned to you, and you will have the option of resubmitting the assignment with the usual late penalty.

Late Policy

Late assignments will be graded with a penalty of 0.5 per 24 hour period after the due date. Exceptions will be granted only for valid (i.e. medical) reasons.
File Description File size Downloads Last modified
project.pdf   3928 kB 919 2006-06-26 14:46
project submission.pdf project submission 39 kB 1016 2006-06-30 12:11

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