FAQ - Designing Interactive Systems


(Aachen) I am an Erasmus student. How can I register for the course?

Send Oliver (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) an email containing your full name, matriculation number, and email (@rwth-aachen.de). We will then grant you access to the course materials. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate (Schein) to confirm your grade and attendance.


(Aachen) What can I do to improve my chances of getting accepted for the course?

Make sure you sign and handover the Declaration of Compliance---can be found under 'Code of Conduct'. We give priority to students who need DIS 1 as a mandatory course and the rest will be selected randomly.


I am a Media Informatics student from Bonn. Can I attend the lectures in Aachen?

Yes, certainly. But you still need to register for DIS 1 Bonn in RWTHonline. Afterwards, send us an email to provide you access to RWTHmoodle for DIS 1 in Aachen. From that point on, you will have to submit your assignments, take your exams, and participate in the final project according to the schedule for DIS 1 Aachen.


I failed DIS I in my previous attempt, but I got good grades in the assignment, project, and midterm exam. Can I just redo the final exam?

No, you can no longer transfer grades from the previous attempts.