Designing Interactive Systems I – 2009

Course schedule is tentative and subject to change. Links to lecture notes and assignments will be posted as the semester progresses.
Note: You must be registered with the class to download the lecture notes and assignments.

This year, you can also access course materials, time tables and assignment sheets in the DIS1 L2P Lernraum Aachen respectively DIS1 L2P Lernraum Bonn. In case of contradicting information, however, consider this site (the one you are currently looking at) as the reference.

Teaching Schedule

see learning rooms (will be copied here some time in the future)


  • Be prepared to present your submission in the next lab session!
  • Unless the assignment sheet states otherwise, please always hand in your assignments in the following format:
    • PDF sent via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Subject lines
      • Aachen: DIS1 AC Assignment xx
      • Bonn: DIS1 BN Assignment xx
    • Filename lastName_lastName.pdf

assignment sheets available in the learning rooms


  • Nov 25: Midterm Exam
  • Feb 03: Final Exam
  • Feb 10: 2nd Chance Exam

Important: Please note the date of the midterm exam and final exam. In the event that you cannot make it on those dates, it is your responsibility to notify us by Nov 16 for the midterm exam and by Jan 24 for the final exam, or you will receive a 5.0 grade.

Grading policy

If you wish to take the course for credit, you must complete all assignments, lab exercises and exams. You will pass (and receive a schein) upon successful completion of the course with a grade. The grade will be calculated as follows:

  • For the 6 Credit version of the course (without project work):
    • 25% - lab exercises, assignments
    • 30% - midterm exam
    • 45% - final exam
  • For the 8 Credit version of the course (with project work):
    • 40% - lab exercises, assignments, project
    • 25% - midterm exam
    • 35% - final exam

Note that you must achieve a cumulative score above 4.0 and pass the final exam to pass the course.

For assignments that are handed in after the due date we will deduct one grading step per 24 hours. Assignments that are handed in after they have been discussed in the lab session will not be graded and automatically receive a 5.0 grade.

Code of Conduct

At the media computing group we have no tolerance for cheating and plagiarism. In short, this means that choosing to hand in any exam, assignment, or seminar paper that violates the terms of the Declaration of Compliance results in failing the course and may result in further consequences (Bachelor- / Masterordnung: §10 (4), DPO97: §8 (4)).

Please bring a signed copy of the Declaration of Compliance to the first lecture or lab session!