HCI Design Patterns SS 2005 - Syllabus

Course schedule is tentative and subject to change. Links to lecture notes and assignments will be posted as the semester progresses.
Note: You must be registered with the class to download the lecture notes and assignments.


Lecture schedule and slides

12.04.2005 Introduction 19.04.2005 Off to Alexandria: patterns in architecture
  • reading section 2.1 (pp. 9-22)
  • Assignment 1 (due: Tue, 26 April 2005, before class)
26.04.2005 I strayed from the path: patterns in software engineering 03.05.2005 no class (Fachschaftsvollversammlung) 10.05.2005 Oops: Alexander on software patterns - the OOPSLA'96 keynote
17.05.2005 no class (Exkursionswoche) 24.05.2005 Back to basics: the structure of patterns
  • reading section 3.1 (pp. 52-54)
  • reading section 3.3 (pp. 63-64)
  • reading section 3.4 (pp. 65-73)
  • Assignment 4 (due: Tue, 5 July 2005, before class)
31.05.2005 Writer's workshop 07.06.2005 Midterm exam 14.06.2005 Existing HCI design pattern languages - Tidwell: Common ground
  • reading section 2.3 (pp. 26-43)
  • reading section 2.4 (pp. 43-49)
21.06.2005 Existing HCI design pattern languages - Landay - The design of sites 28.06.2005 Three pyramids: interdisciplinary patterns 05.07.2005 "So?" - Using patterns in the development process
  • reading section 3.2 (pp. 54-63)
12.07.2005 The future of HCI patterns: PLML, tools, outlook 19.07.2005 Final exam

Lab and assignments

18.04.2005 group discussion: Scott Kim, Interdisciplinary cooperation
25.04.2005 sample pattern: Alexander's STREET CAFE (structure & format, typography, problem, solution)
02.05.2005 review on SW patterns, assignment 1
09.05.2005 no lab
16.05.2005 no lab (public holiday) 23.05.2005 Alexander's keynote, assignment 2
30.05.2005 midterm review
06.06.2005 no lab
13.06.2005 midterm solutions
20.06.2005 discussion of assignment 4
27.06.2005 discussion of assignment 4
04.07.2005 discussion of assignment 4
11.07.2005 final review
18.07.2005 no lab - learn for the final exam :)