Work-in-progress. Last update: 21.05.13

Working with Chat

The aim of this guide is to help you understand how to work with me. According to my experience knowing and intellectually following the following procedures will lead to efficient and effective collaboration between us.

Apart from that, I often include the rationale behind the procedures for two reasons: (1) to allow discussion about these topics that lead to further improvements and (2) to allow adoption and adaptation of principles behind these techniques in your work and life.

Do these in the first days

Do these every week

Do these regularly

  • Weekly update: The weekly update has two purposes: (1) making you reflect on the status of your work in the micro level (this week), and the macro level (overall project), (2) raising the flag in case of emergency (especially those that you may not be aware of). From this week onward, we will do it a bit differently.
    • Reserve 30 minutes on the last day of your work week to write the email. This will provide a nice sense of wrapping-up your week. Also, it will allow you to jumpstart the next week from what you wrote. Include these items in your email:
      • What you had accomplished this week
      • What you plan to accomplish next week
      • What problems you've faced last week
    • To increase the benefit, you will write the weekly update not to me, but to a mailing list (address to be announced) containing all students in my supervision. This will allow all of us to know what's going on, and increase serendipitous chance of helping each other.
    • In the following week, write a reply for your own email from the last week to maintain the thread of your progress. (Don't forget to put the mailing list address in the To: field.)
    • To walk the talk, I will also write the update emails too. :)
    • NOTE: I will read all your weekly update emails with full attention in the larger context of your work. To do this, I need concentrated time and rally some energy. This means that it may not be processed as quick as other emails. (see Urgent Communication section.)
  • Use HiWi Tracker: (TODO)

In case of emergency

  • Urgent Communication: If you need something from me with a very limited time frame, here are the ways I prefer to be asked, sorted by the duration. Note that misuse of these channels will lead me to ignore your future requests. :P
    • Within two days: If there is anything you urgently need from me, send another short action-oriented email with High priority. The email should tell me what to do, when, where, how, by when, and a short reason.
    • Within today: Send me an SMS with the details mentioned above. You can find my current phone number in i10 phone page.
    • Within an hour: Grab in the hallway.
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