Jan Borchers: Basic Schedule

If a date or time is listed below, it means I am not available. Unfortunately, the inverse conclusion is not valid. :)

The classes listed below are only in effect during lecture periods. These typically go from mid-October to mid-February for the Winter semester, and from mid-April to mid-July for the Summer semester. See the RWTH Academic Calendar for exact dates.

Weekly Schedule (Winter Semester 2022/2023)

Some of the events below take place online due to Covid measures.

09:30–11:00 HCI Research Breakfast (kitchen, room 2216)
11:00–14:00 Short meetings with individual PhD students and staff (my office, 2207)

10:30–12:00 iOS Application Development (Seminar Room 2222, not every week)
12:00–12:45 Lab Lunch (kitchen, room 2216)
13:00-14:30 Oral Exams (my office, room 2207, not every week)

09:30–12:00 Lecture: Designing Interactive Systems (room 5053.2)
12:00–12:45 Lab Lunch (kitchen, room 2216)
13:00–15:00 Faculty Meeting (room 9222, top floor, E3 building, not every week)
15:15–16:45 CS Exam Committee Meeting (Prüfungsausschuss, Media Space, room 2212, not every week)

11:30–12:15 Lab Lunch (kitchen, room 2216)
13:00–14:00 Club i10 Research Seminar (Seminar Room 2222, not every week)
14:00-15:30 Research Lounge: PhD Seminar (Media Space, room 2212, not every week)

Research Advancement Day™ (no meetings)

Away dates

Feb 9-10, 2023: Strategy Faculty Retreat

Apr 22-28, 2023: CHI'23, Hamburg

Previous dates