BibTeX Entry

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  timestamp   = {20200425},
  major       = {1},
  author      = {Philipp Wacker and Adrian Wagner and Simon Voelker and Jan Borchers},
  title       = {Heatmaps, Shadows, Bubbles, Rays: Comparing Mid-Air Pen Position Visualizations in Handheld AR},
  booktitle   = {Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
  series      = {CHI '20},
  year        = {2020},
  month       = {April},
  isbn        = {978-1-4503-6708-0/20/04},
  location    = {Honolulu Hawai'i, USA},
  url         = {},
  doi         = {10.1145/3313831.3376848},
  publisher   = {ACM},
  address     = {New York, NY, USA},
  pages       = {719:1--719:11},
  articleno   = {719},
  numpages    = {11},
  keywords    = {Augmented Reality; mid-air; modeling; interaction; depth perception; smartphone; 3D pen; depth cues},
  project     = {personalphotonics,ARPen,ARPenHeatmaps},
  movie       = {},
  pdf         = {}