BibTeX Entry

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  document_type   = {MastersThesis},
  timestamp       = {20131007},
  type            = {Master's Thesis},
  author          = {Ardi Tjandra},
  title           = {Code Mixer: A Visual Approach to Code Comprehension and Information Foraging},
  address         = {Aachen},
  year            = {2013},
  month           = {October},
  type2           = {Master Thesis},
  peerreview      = {Nein},
  hsb_title_en    = {Code Mixer: A Visual Approach to Code Comprehension and Information Foraging},
  language        = {Englisch (eng)},
  school          = {RWTH Aachen University},
  publishedas     = {Druck, Online},
  pdf             = {}