BibTeX Entry

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  timestamp   = {20250304},
  major       = {1},
  author      = {Oliver Nowak and René Schäfer and Elisabeth Jane Buttkus and Lea Emilia Schirp and Heiko Müller and Jan Borchers},
  title       = {Investigating Eyes-Free Recognition and Distinguishability of Textile Icons in Pairs},
  booktitle   = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction},
  series      = {TEI '25 (Forthcoming)},
  year        = {2025},
  isbn        = {},
  location    = {Bordeaux, France},
  pages       = {},
  numpages    = {13},
  month       = {March},
  publisher   = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address     = {New York, NY, USA},
  keywords    = {Textile Interfaces, Icons, Eyes-free Interaction, Haptic Recognition},
  doi         = {},
  project     = {rime}