BibTeX Entry

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  document_type   = {article},
  timestamp       = {20060301},
  major           = {1},
  author          = {Eric Lee and Thorsten Karrer and Jan Borchers},
  title           = {Toward a Framework for Interactive Systems to Conduct Digital Audio and Video Streams},
  journal         = {Computer Music Journal},
  journalurl      = {},
  year            = {2006},
  volume          = {30},
  number          = {1},
  pages           = {21--36},
  month           = {March},
  doi             = {10.1162/014892606776021317},
  issn            = {0148-9267},
  project         = {po},
  note            = {The video for this article appears in the Computer Music Journal Sound and Video Anthology 29(4), 2005},
  url             = {},
  movie           = {rtsp://},
  pdf             = {}