BibTeX Entry

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  document_type   = {inproceedings},
  timestamp       = {2018},
  major           = {1},
  author          = {Florian Heller and Jan Thar and Dennis Lewandowski and Mirko Hartmann and Pierre Schoonbrood and Sophy Stoenner and Simon Voelker and Jan Borchers},
  title           = {CutCAD - An Open-source Tool to Design 3D Objects in 2D},
  booktitle       = {DIS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems},
  series          = {DIS '18},
  year            = {2018},
  location        = {Hongkong},
  publisher       = {ACM},
  address         = {New York, NY, USA},
  project         = {personalphotonics,haptivision},
  pdf             = {},
  movie           = {}