BibTeX Entry

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  document_type   = {inproceedings},
  timestamp       = {19990830},
  author          = {Richard N. Griffiths and Lyn Pemberton and Jan Borchers},
  title           = {Usability Pattern Language: Creating a community},
  booktitle       = {Proceedings of the INTERACT'99 7th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction},
  booktitleurl    = {},
  pages           = {135},
  year            = {1999},
  month           = {August},
  editor          = {Stephen Brewster and Allison Cawsey and Gilbert Cockton},
  volume          = {2},
  address         = {Wiltshire, UK},
  organization    = {British Computer Society},
  isbn            = {1-902505-19-0},
  url             = {}