BibTeX Entry

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  document_type   = {inproceedings},
  timestamp       = {20050402},
  author          = {Rafael Ballagas and Michael Rohs and Jennifer Sheridan},
  title           = {Sweep and Point & Shoot: Phonecam-Based Interactions for Large Public Displays},
  booktitle       = {CHI '05: CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems},
  year            = {2005},
  isbn            = {1-59593-002-7},
  pages           = {1200--1203},
  location        = {Portland, OR, USA},
  doi             = {},
  publisher       = {ACM Press},
  address         = {New York, NY, USA},
  project         = {phonecam},
  movie           = {},
  month           = {April},
  pdf             = {}