How to set up a BendDesk demo

  1. #Setup
  2. #Demos




#Hardware Setup

For setting up a BendDesk demo you need the following hardware:
  • BendDesk Table with 3 or more running Cameras (with IR filter) for tracking and 2 running projectors
  • MacPro (labeled BendDesk) with 2 DVI output for the projectors and probably one for a display to configure the BendDesk
  • working IR lights around the surface of the BendDesk
  • a silicon layer on top of the acrylic surface for FTIR
All parts should be usually together in the project space.


#Software setup

  1. start up the MultiScreen agent and (if appropriate) calibrate display and cameras following the multiscreen guide.
  2. start up the application called "AppSwitch"
  3. pressing a number on the keypad will open the corresponding DEMO


You can choose several demos from the AppSwitch. The demos are described in this section.


