Theremin clinic - June 14

This months meetup was well-attended, with a multitude of enthusiastic participants eager to test the new theremin kit. Almost all of the workstations we had prepared were utilized for assembling and soldering the kit.

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The manuals had been well prepared, enabling everyone to make steady progress. After a short pizza break the participants resumed their work and swiftly progressed through the kit.

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When the first few participants successfully completed their kits, the characteristic sounds of the theremin began to fill the room. Alongside the first successes, a few troubleshooting issues appeared, but thanks to the competent helpers present they were quickly resolved.

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With the meeting coming to an end, the participants who had finished assembling their kits started heading home. Just before everyone departed, we managed to take a few photos of some completed kits.

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In order to grant everyone a brief preview of the theremins, we went ahead and captured a few short videos showcasing the theremins interesting sounds. We even had a nice little performance from one participant.