Matt Mets: Sketching in Gateware — About maker-friendly FPGAs, and lots of LEDs

Aachen Maker Meetup #141, Wednesday, Oct 19, 2022

Matt Mets is the director of electronics design company, and a maker who uses electronics to create playful objects that teach and inspire. An electrical engineer by training, he’s been at various times an RF engineer, embedded systems architect, writer, and exhibit designer. One of his projects involved LED wearables for pigeons, another one a replica of a Connection Machine with lots of blinky lights for the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.

Matt will talk about his recent projects, and his upcoming “ICEd ESPresso” board, a great combination of an easy-to-program microcontroller with an FPGA, making FPGAs easier for makers to use and giving them the best of both worlds.

The meeting takes place online using Zoom. The URL will appear to the right when you sign up for the event here:

We’ll meet at 6.30 pm for some socializing, and Matt will start his presentation at 7pm. Afterwards we’ll have time for Q&A on whatever you want to ask Matt about his cool projects.