Aachen Maker Meetup #133 (Wed, Mar 17, 2021): Felix Niessen

After last month's really nice online Maker Meetup event, we were happy to be able to meet again this month, even though still online.

This month Felix Niessen presented his work on drones. He has been successfully developing and selling brushless motor controllers and drone flight controllers for many years. He is the inventor of the "KISS ESC", which once set new standards for race drones and was indispensable at drone competitions of his time.
He is co-founder of the company FETtec, with which he not only supplies high-performance drones with the necessary hardware. He is constantly developing exciting new hardware for drones and electric vehicles. One very interesting fact we got to know that evening: For the video transmission during drone races, still the old TV transmission protocol is used as this does assure no delays are occurring. And that fact is very important as any second delay when racing very fast with the drones may lead to a crash.

Next month Patrick Baudisch will present his tool Kyub - a 3D Editor for Modeling Laser-Cut Objects.

Here is the video to watch the full presentation of the evening.