Aachen Maker Meetup #132 (Wed, Feb 17, 2021): LabAix Aachen

After a very long period without our monthly meetup, this month we finally had a meetup again. It was online over Zoom as the current Corona situation does not give any room for a meeting at the chair. Still seeing a few known faces and also some new faces again was great. Thank you all for joining.

This month Klaus Kloos and his daughter Neele Kloos presented their project 'LabAix Aachen'. With a team of six people (consisting mostly of Klaus Kloos' family), they have been renovating and building up the facility all by themselves without additional funding. What a great achievement,
The goal of this facility to be the central meeting point for innovative development and individual production in Aachen. The goal is to provide a starting point for all startups, hardware enthusiasts, and makers. At LabAix you can rent individual desks in the coworking or lockable offices and laboratories. Everything can be tailored individually to your requirements. Together with the so-called “All Inclusive Package”, the professional working environment, and access to various machines (3D printer, CNC milling machine, etc.), Klaus and his team want to make life easier for startups and young companies in particular.

Here is the video to watch the full presentation of the evening.