Aachen Maker Meetup #154: Wrapping Up 2023 with Innovation, Creativity and Christmas DIY Projects

On the evening of 20 December 2023, enthusiastic makers gathered for the last Maker Meetup of the year and created a festive atmosphere with gingerbread and winter punch. The event not only provided an opportunity to get to know the creative minds behind the various projects, but also served as a source of inspiration for the variety of ideas presented.


Martin Weil impressed with his projects, using his 3D printer to build a charging station for a Switch. The station, which was shaped like a piranha plant from the Mario universe, was not only functional but also visually impressive. He also brought along various installations with triangular LED lights.


Birgit Stolte shared some captivating projects, featuring a 3D-printed dragon and beautifully designed pictures that came alive with a mix of 3D printing and LED or tea light magic.


Jan Thar impressed the participants with a self-built laser cutter that is almost equipped with the technology of a class 1 laser cutter. The precision and versatility of this device was met with great admiration.


Helge Schneider contributed a homemade word clock that alternately displayed different words, offering a unique approach to timekeeping. 


Oleksiy Maryasov presented luminous lamps decorated with flowers.


Manuel Klumpp connected a Raspberry Pi to a monitor with touchscreen, which will later become a future car radio/navigation system. 


The variety of projects presented was impressive and reflected the diverse interests and skills of the maker community. Between the fascinating presentations and discussions about the projects in the Fab Lab, time was set aside for a pizza break. During this break, the participants were not only able to enjoy refreshments, but also exchange ideas and experiences in a relaxed atmosphere.


The meeting ended with a special flair, combining a festive atmosphere with the feeling of bringing 2023 to a creative close. The event once again showcased the diversity and innovation of the maker community and promises an exciting 2024 with more captivating projects.