Aachen Maker Meetup #123 (Wed, Dec 18, 2019): 10 Years of Fab Lab Aachen

 This monthly Meetup was started by Jan, he held a talk on the occasion of the 10th Year of the Fab Lab Aachen with a short look back and a longer look in the upcoming future of the Lab. In which he showed pictures of the machines that will be added to the Lab in the next months.

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One of these machines will be a new 3D printer. After the talk some samples of the printer were examined.

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Aron brought his selfmade CNC Router, it runs under the name MPCNC (mostly printed CNC) and documentation is available under https://www.unclephil.de/mostly-printed-cnc/.

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Oleksiy showed his very interesting projekt with real dandelions. He collects the dandelion before it bloomes then puts it in a bulb to build a field of dandelions that can interact with humans and act like a real plants.

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Here Felix tried to oxidize initials on a ring made out of a bolt with the help of electricity and saltwater.

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And of course there was a lot of pizza as always ðŸ˜‰

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The Aachen Maker Meetup is funded as part of our Personal Photonics project by a grant from the Open Photonics Initiative of the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF).
