Aachen Maker Meetup #160: Handcrafted Model, Bridge Timer, 3D Printing Surfaces, UPSTAIR.ME Transport Chair

Thorsten's Projects:

Thorsten presented a small, handcrafted bridge model. It is an American wooden bridge in N scale (1:160) designed for T-Trak modular layouts.

Birgit's Projects:

Birgit showcased a Bridge Timer, replacing an old, broken timer that had been in use for tournaments for 5-6 years. The new timer sends signals to a wall display using Neopixel LEDs.

Martin's Projects:

Martin demonstrated various 3D printing surfaces, showcasing different patterns visible on the underside of 3D models. He also presented a self-built knife sharpener set at a 15° angle, which can be adjusted by 2° per rotation using a screw.

Robert's Projects:

Rüdiger displayed a small prototype for a lawnmower, designed to be built with students. It includes infrared, bumper, and ultrasonic sensors.

Rüdiger's Projects:

Robert, representing the startup Upstair, introduced their stair-climbing transport chair. The chair, designed to alleviate back pain for rescue and care workers, can transport patients through tight spaces, ramps, and spiral staircases with minimal effort. It operates autonomously, detecting pressure at the handle through a pressure cell.

Helge's Projects:

Helge presented a vector antenna analyzer, a kit he purchased and assembled using parts from old servers.


In conclusion, the MakerMeetup at the i10 department of RWTH Aachen University once again highlighted an array of innovative and diverse projects, providing a platform for creative minds to share their ideas and foster a collaborative maker community.