Personal Orchestra Documentation

Deployment Information

  • The following hardware is installed at HdM, Vienna: 090925 Hardwareliste.pdf. Mac Pro Specs: Virtueller-Dirigent System Info Wien.spx.
  • Specifications for the projector: GP2.pdf.
  • Website for the Touchscreen(Flatman tft display SM 190 WBT 0DDK Uniform, no data sheet available):, 19inch_WB.jpg. Serial #190909036.
  • Loudspeakers are B&W 100W.
  • Verstärker is vom Typ Rotel RW 976, Kanal A und C sind auf 35% geregelt (4. Punkt auf der Skala), Kanal B ist aus.
  • The Personal Orchestra MacPro has two hard drives with identical contents, if one fails the other one is a bootable backup. All items needed for reinstall are saved in a second partition, including drivers for Baton and Touchscreen.
  • Please be aware that at the time of deployment Snow Leopard was incompatible with Personal Orchestra's sound processing, therefore, we tested and installed on Max Os X Leopard latest version (10.5.8).
  • Set the Touchscreen as the primary display in the Mac Preferences and then configure the Touchscreen with the "UPDD Console" Program that comes with the driver (PO needs to be turned off for this). Set touchable region to "Display 1" only, and then calibrate. Set MICON to run on the touchscreen, PO6 to run on the projector screen.
  • Buchla present was the Buchla Lightning serial number 1036. Buchla's preset at the time of deployment was 91. This may change if the Buchla hardware is updated or replaced. The value can be set at PO6's preferences. Firmware 70225, max preset 90.
  • Computer starts and shuts down in the morning and evening respectively via the System Preferences' Power Options.
  • Calibrating the touch screen is a bit tricky, because of the low quality of the touch screen driver: first reboot the system, make sure that no application is running, then use "UPDD Console", hit calibrate in the lower left, calibrate on the touch screen, exit the "UPDD Console", restart the PO Applications.


  • Command-F brings both applications in/out of fullsceen mode respectively. The window always uses the window it was previously on as the fullscreen window. For example, if MICON is on the main display, to the following to correct this issue: Command-F, move window to touch screen, Command-F.
  • MICON needs read AND write access on all files, including app bundle. To repair this, select file or folder, show info, add client admin (ca) as the user and apply recursively to all enclosed files.
  • Should the Notestand or the Touchscreen be defect or should you decide to run Personal Orchestra without the Notestand, proceed as follows: quit the Notestand application if running and start Personal Orchestra alone. The projection display will then show the traditional baton selection screen after a click on the baton button. For this you will have to use batons with activated buttons.

Late Content Modifications:

  • All tunings changed to more quiet. (with Quicktime slider)
  • Annenpolka complaint/murmur more quiet. (with plist)
  • add fading at the end of complaint, especially Ungarischer Tanz. (by manual processing of the track).
  • overlays in Idle now per software
  • all beat files have been redone

Development Information

The recode was done by Thorsten Karrer, Moritz Wittenhagen, and Leonhard Lichtschlag; the MICON stand updated by Telis Hadjakos. The two applications communicate with each other via the ThoMoNetworking.framework.
All sources and forther documentation are available at the PersonalOrchesta repository in the svn.

  • revision 392 and bundle version 6.2 were deployed in our first trip (Nov 18th).
  • revision 412 and bundle version 6.2 are currently deployed (Nov 29th) .
  • new i10 batons should be able to be easily fixed, should they be broken by visitors. I.e. make the tip replaceable.

Contact Information

vCards for important people in Haus der Musik

File Description File size Downloads Last modified
090925 Hardwareliste.pdf   42 kB 949 2009-11-17 08:51
GP2.pdf   12038 kB 1394 2009-11-17 11:07
19inch_WB.jpg   328 kB 580 2009-11-17 11:20
HdM.vcf vCards for important people in Haus der Musik 1 kB 426 2009-11-27 16:13
PO HW Diagram.graffle Hardware and cables overview diagram 104 kB 444 2009-11-29 10:51
VirtuellerDirigent System Info Wien.spx deployment machine specifications 1235 kB 512 2009-11-30 13:37

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