MCP 2006 Projects

News (2006)

  • Final Presentations: July 19, 2006 @ 1400. Your presentation should be twenty minutes. It should cover the motivation behind your project, background work, your design cycles, problems, conclusions, future work, etc. Also, include a section on 'vision' -- what would do with this project if you had unlimited time and resources available? You should also include a demo of your work. Be prepared to field some questions from Professor Borchers or David.

  • There is no lab on 14.06 (Dies Academicus). If you have any questions email David (Tico is away).

  • The first class will begin on Wednesday, April 5 as reported on the Campus System. We will meet in the Media Computing Lab (Room 2U13). There you will receive more detailed information on how the class will be run.

Links (2006):