Multimodal Media Madness - Winter Semester 2005/2006

Project: Part 3 -
Due 16.01.2006


Now that your game is working, your job is too make it look great. Aesthetics are very important in a game.

Your job is improve the 'look' of the game. Not sure what I mean? Check out Dead or Alive 4 & Call of Duty 2. The visual representation in these games is incredible.

Thinking about your game, decide how you can improve the visual imagery. Try drawing an image on one of your objects, instead of leaving it blank. Improve the look of your game.

Also think about the 'feel' of the game. Are the physics convincing ? Does the input devices properly control the interactions. Do things feel 'right' ? A game that gives the player poor control will reduce its fun.

The goal of this week is to increase the quality of your game.


Demo. In class on 13.02.06. Daniel and I will be playing the games.