BibTeX Entry

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  timestamp   = {20230710},
  major       = {0},
  author      = {Ali Shtarbanov and Anke Brocker and Adriana Cabrera and Yuhan Hu and Heiko Müller and Alex Mazursky},
  title       = {Soft Robotics and Programmable Materials for Human-Computer Interaction},
  year        = {2023},
  isbn        = {9781450398985},
  publisher   = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address     = {New York, NY, USA},
  url         = {},
  doi         = {10.1145/3563703.3591460},
  abstract    = {Recently, subdomains of Human-Computer interaction (HCI), such as Tangible Interfaces and Haptics, have experienced disruptive hardware transformations owing to advances in Soft Robotics and Programmable Materials. How will these fields shape the future of HCI over the next decade and beyond? Unfortunately, the transfer of fundamental advances from basic science to end-user experiences can take years due to many interdisciplinary challenges. These include challenges related to fabrication methods, durability, tools, access to resources, and transfer of knowledge. How can we most effectively overcome such challenges, what opportunities exist to accelerate progress, and what application possibilities can we envision and contribute to the future? We aim for a comprehensive approach to soft robotics design and fabrication and concepts of future applications for their integration into daily life. This workshop invites to explore how programmable materials develop new streams of HCI at the intersection of technology, design, art, and innovation.},
  booktitle   = {Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference},
  pages       = {110–113},
  numpages    = {4},
  keywords    = {Interfaces, Shape-Change, Design, Prototyping, Workshop, Haptics, Actuated Materials, Personal Fabrication, Tools, Soft Robotics, Toolkits, Access},
  location    = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA},
  series      = {DIS '23 Companion},
  project     = {softrobotics},
  pdf         = {}