Aachen Maker Meetup #148 (May 17, 2023): Theremin Testing Party 

This week's Meetup was held in the context of the JFET Theremin test build. Previously started projects were continued or finished and tested for functionality this time. Next to the Theremin meeting, there was also a regular Meetup, where new projects were also presented.


The theremin was assembled with the prefabricated plexiglass housing and then tested with the oscilloscope.


After some time of plugging, soldering, testing, trying and a break with pizza, the first theremins were finished and proudly presented.


During the Theremin meeting, some visitors presented their projects during the Maker meeting. Istvan Katona built a prototype of a homemade keyboard and Julian Giesen presented holders printed out by a 3D printer.


At the end of the Meetup, there were fully functional theremins and prototypes, which will be completed at the next Meetup. The next goal is to add some missing components to complete the kits.