Our presentations at CHI 2014

Simplifying Orientation Measurement for Mobile Audio Augmented Reality Applications
Understanding Finger Input Above Desktop Devices
by Heller et al. by Wacharamanotham
et al.

Geo-Sociograms: A Method to Analyze Movement Patterns and Characterize Tasks in Location-Based Multiplayer Games
(Work in progress)
An Interaction Model for Touch-Aware Tangibles on Interactive Surfaces
(Work in progress)
VisiStat: Visualization-driven, Interactive Statistical Analysis
(Student Research Competition)
Making Bare Hand Input More Accurate
(Doctoral Consortium)
by Herkenrath et al. by Voelker et al. by Subramanian by Wacharamanotham

Our previous conference presentations: CHI 2013, CHI 2012, UIST 2011, CHI 2011