How we build the instrument
Problems & Challenges
Future Direction
Max/MSP Patches

First Idea

The rough sketch below is our initial idea of sqeeze-A-Tune. Users can control the device by pressing and bending it. As the pressure is detected, it will be mapped to the output sound.

Mapping the input to sound

One possible solution we had in mind is to map the pitch to the position, the sound/sample/filter/whatever to the direction and the volume to the intensity of the pressure. We plan to implement several of the following modes:

  1. One note per sensor - this won't sound good, but will be easiest to implement
  2. Continuous pitch - interpolate the output of several sensors to determine the pitch. Will probably sound horrible, but might be used to play real songs. Maybe put colored marks on the surface to show the position of notes.
  3. Only produce well-sounding chords are played when several sensors are pressed at the same time - might be difficult to implement.
  4. Filter mode - use the Squeeze-A-Tune to modify the sound of a recording or someone else's performance.