You are here: Music Glove / Sitemap


This overview gives you simple and fast access to all documents of this website.

  • Music Glove
    Homepage of the music glove project.
    • Design Process
      Design and conceptualization of our project
      • Brainstorming
        The result from our first brainstorming session that finally lead to idea of the music glove.
      • Project Proposal
        The idea of the music glove that we submitted a final project proposal.
      • Concept
        A conceptual overview that should demonstrate how the glove works and how the data flow is processed.
      • Design Rationale
        Observations and decisions during the design process.
    • Technical Background
      Detailed technical information on the music glove project.
      • Hardware
        Detailed information on the hardware realization process of the music glove.
      • Software
        A detailed description how the music glove software was created.
    • Future Work
      Where does the music glove go tommorow?
    • Sitemap
      A structured table of contents