You are here: Music Glove / Design Process / Concept


This section provides a quick illustrated overview on the realization concept of the music glove and its data processing:


The fingertips of the glove are equipped with pressure sensitive sensors.
concept screen part 1


The integrated RFID-Reader within the glove recognizes the items that are grabbed with it.
concept screen part 2

Input Data Processing

The binary input from the finger sensors goes into a Teleo Module, the RFID signal is send onto the Event Heap.
concept screen part 3


The Tone Generator receives a converted signal from the teleo module which can be used to identify a certain sound.

The Instrument Selector catches the specific event from the Event Heap which demands to select an instrument.

The Volume Control is handled by the force sensors of the fore-, middle-, ring- and little finger.

concept screen part 4

Sound Output

From the combination of instrument, sound and volume an appropiate harmonic sound is produced.#
concept screen part 5
Project Proposal Design Rationale