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Future Work

There are several things about our project that deserve further investigation, at least in our opinion. First of all it would be interesting how people can learn to actually play the glove. In this context it would be useful to further tweak the sensitiveness of the sensors.

coke bottle rfid equipped
coke bottle RFID equipped

Another idea would be to change the effect of the force with which an item is pressed, e.g. to setting the pitch. This could also be done with the whole setup in general, by not letting the glove play simple notes, but influence a music running in the background. This would make it an ideal tool for any person who edits music.

Some technical things could also be done with the glove itself, mainly perhaps improving the material: Using a better glove, letting a professional sew the cloth and the like. This would probably make it a lot easier to learn using the glove.

Using a Teleo Module with more than 4 analog inputs would also be a great benefit, in this case the glove itself would only have to be slightly modified (i.e. the thumb, see [Hardware]).
Then the pressure the thumb applies on an item could further influence the outcoming sound in any way. (Our testing actually showed that it is possible to use different force with thumb and any other finger, depending on the held item).