RTWH Aachen - M. Sc. in Media Informatics

Designing Interactive Systems

Final project : Travel Optimizer

Home - Project definition - User interview - Paper ptototyping - Prototype - Testing with and without users - Redesign and presentation

User interview
Assignment 7

Interview of Thomas

As a student Thomas has to take the Strassenbahn and train regularly. His biggest complaint was how unpunctual the busses and trains were. He described his typical drive with the public transportation as follows. He gets to the bus stop not knowing if the bus has already left, or if it is running late as usual. After waiting a while, he sees that the bus arrives. Since he has to make a connection he very irritated by the fact that he usually can see the train leave as the bus enters the station. Furthermore he knows that if he gets off a stop earlier and runs to the next stop he can still get the train, if the timing is so close. But he also said that he didn’t like getting out early running, just to realize that the train is late as well.