TESTING WITH & WITHOUT USER [ Paper Pototyping Test | Usability Testing ]
Design Heuristics
  1. The user should be able to abort his action from any phase of the action sequence i.e. there should be exit option on all the screens of the Prototype.
  2. The screens should overloaded with information, besides being simple they should contain little content, such that the user can be able to comprehend them with relative ease and little or no time.
  3. Use graphs, pictures, maps to aid visualization where necessary.
Heuristic Results
  1. All the screens did not contain the Exit button.
  2. The reminder screen contained the button labeled "del" which could be categorized as something not speaking user's language.
Design Changes after Heuristic Evaluation
  1. Exit buttons were added to all the screens. These buttons were previously present on the main screens only i.e. the home screen which you enter after connecting to the Mobile GIS.
  2. 2. The Reminder Screen was changed so as to display the previously added reminders in a list component with a scroll bar on the side. Previously the reminders were displayed without it and the View and Delete Button were placed in front of each reminder being displayed. Only one View and Delete button is now required. These are placed in the bottom and with some distance thus minimizing the chances or error as well. The Delete button now contains the complete "delete" label as against the "del" label previously. This usability drawback was identified before hand but it was actually corrected after the final presentation.