INTERVIEW FINDINGS [ Protocol | User Information | Design Principles ]
This subsection of contains the facts and feedback that we gathered after interviewing our subjects.
First User : Mr. MOHAMMAD ALI [ View Interview Snaps ]
  1. The user preferred to find out the right or shortest path to his destination by self experience and effort instead of acquiring help from others.
  2. User had good information about modern navigation systems and also about the situations where this technology can be used.
  3. According to the user, he would use such a device in case it becomes available but it might take some time that a technology like GIS will become common in our society.
  4. User preferred to utilize his memory as much as possible and not to use features such as reminders to be used in his mobile device. The user also said that extreme dependencies on technological aids deteriorate our mental and physical capabilities. He also came up with some examples to support his claim.