FEATURE LIST [ Project | Concluding Remarks ]
This subsection contains the preliminary features of the Mobile GIS along with a brief description of each of the feature.
Using this feature, the user can find out the shortest path from his current location to a certain destination where he wants to go. This feature will save the time of the user as well as preserve fuel and energy.
Using this feature, the user will be able to find out the timings of buses, trams and trains that are relevant to his destination. This can facilitate the user in making right decisions regarding different options for transportation to his destination.
Using this feature, the user can get information regarding different possible routes and paths for his destination. It can save user's time and can help user in deciding the right route while passing through a certain area towards his destination.
Using this feature, the user can receive reminders regarding various tasks that he wants to perform in near future but might not be able to remember due to his busy life or tough schedule or other physical or social burdens. Hence user can perform multiple activities while going for one task, hence saving unnecessary time, travel and fuel expenses. The user enters the things he wants the device to remember for him. The things that have been entered by the users contain spatial relevance to the device i.e. they must be reminded to the user when the user is at a certain location or moving through that area. These reminders contain activities like buying groceries if you are near the Market, Buying flowers for wife from flower market etc. the emphasis of these reminders is more on spatial location then on time.