BRAINSTORM [2 of 4]    
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Cinema/Movie Assistant Car Remote/Central Locking Intelligent Brainstormer
An application used to assist people in order to find out the latest movies in theatres, their schedules and reservation details.
An application to provide security and control mechanism in cars with the help of a mobile device.
An application to assist in brainstorming and generating new and robust ideas.
Picture Scanning Grocery Record Assistant Distance Learning Device
An application used to scan pictures and convert them in different formats with email support etc.
An application used to assist in purchase of groceries and other items.
An application that brings the capabilities of modern distance learning techniques to mobile devices.
Dating/Marriage Making Device Weather Forecast Energy Generator
An application used for marriage and date making depending on spatial and temporal factors besides other variables. An application used to predict weather conditions and other associative factors. A device used to generate energy and hence could be used as a replacement for traditional batteries.
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