Features of eMARU

eMARU as an extended travel guide

A central support is an information service, that tells you about conventions in the country you are travelling. In comparison to a normal travel guide, eMARU mainly works situation oriented. Of course whenever travelling in a country you can read (for example during your journey) a document similar to an ordinary travel guide.
But the more important feature is the possibility to get support in special concrete situations. eMARU is self-aware, so it can scan a situation and give you hints concerning this situation. Visiting religious locations is a typical situation while travelling. With eMARU you can scan the buidling you want to visit, and it offers you a list of hints. Very important is your clothing for example. Different religious have rules what you have to wear (or not to) when entering their religious locations. But it is even important if you want to visit a christian church. In italian churchs you should not go in your normal "summer tourist outfit". EMARU can also scan your outfit, and than decide, if everything is right. Another point is your behaviour in the church: Are you aloud to speak or to take photos? Is it expected that you give some charity money? Or do you have to pay an entrance fee? We believe this function of eMARU to be really useful if you do not want to be a tourist without respect.
eMARU will also help you to adapt to local customs concerning interaction with other people. It can tell you, how to behave, when you introduce yourself to someone, for instance how much and what kind of physical contact is required or expected, will a handshake be enough or is a kiss on the cheek or a short hug customary or do you have to avoid any physical contact and rather bow. It should help you when you are invited for dinner, giving you rules when and what to eat, maybe even what kind of spoon or fork to use for which dish. There are countries where it is regarded impolite to leave food on your plate, so you have to eat everything you are presented, on the other hand in other countries this could be seen as a challenge to the host, to provide more food (it would be understood as testing the generosity of the host). eMARU will be of great assistance in avoiding to offend the people you are interacting with.

eMARU as an extended dictionary

Of course eMARU can be used as a dictionary. But there is another more interesting feature integrated: You can scan everything, not only buidings how described above. You can also scan plants, fruits or everything you do not know in a foreign country or even in our own one. Similar to the building-information a short description is offered here,too. So you can really learn a lot about the country you are travelling, because eMARU helps you to understand the things you see.

eMARU and public transport

Here we think about translating information given in a foreign language on the one hand, and finding and proposing connections (eg if the train is late) on the other hand.

eMARU and restaurants

eMARU should be an extended restaurant guide. It should not just inform you about restaurants where places are available, but also about meals you should try. You can choose, if you would like to try something new, if you'd rather not, that you are little sick, whether you have any food allergies or if you are a vegetarian. Whatever your constraints are, eMARU should help to choose your food.
© 2003 by Konrad Gerhards • konger@t-link.de , Sunae Ju • sunaeju@gmx.de , Lilian Sunadi • sunadi@t-online.de