Features of MANGER

The MANGER user should register at central database by telephone or internet. At this time the user can adjust individually - allergy, intolerance of specified food or preferences of food. When the user enters a restaurant where the user has the possibility to use Bluetooth or WLAN, then the user can download the needed information about food. MANGER shows all ingredients and calorie of the whole menr and inform which dish is suitable to user according to registered informations .Or before entering the restaurant the user can choose the restaurant which serves what the user wants to eat. These information are useful almost just one time. Hence the user needs not to have large space in a device to save all information.

© 2003 by Konrad Gerhards • konger@t-link.de , Sunae Ju • sunaeju@gmx.de , Lilian Sunadi • sunadi@t-online.de