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Brainstorming Summary

we did our brainstroming in 3 sessions. we started our work in the normal classromm when Prof. jan aked us to think in term of quantity not quality of idea. we had 20 or more ideas at that time. this includes

1. Pen with persistence ability
2. Smart shoes (setup size according to size of feet)
3. Mobile E-bay
4. Thermal Clothes
5. Smart gloves
6. Path finder
7. online mobile auctioneer like e-bay
8. accounts management system – keeps track of user, passwd about our different accounts
9. general disease checker device
10. events reminder system – like birthdays etc
11. music organizer and player
12. family tree manager – which creates and manage your family tree
13. Bahn Detector
14. Intelligent Bathroom
15. Home Customization
16. Context awareness in environment

After this we planned 3 different sessions for maturing our ideas. on the first session we reduced our ideas to 8-10 and discard all those ideas on which were souning health in term of feasibility and learning. In the second session, we reduced to 3 in term of ideas and all were looking quite good. ideas like mobile E-bay, Bahn Detector and this Digital Friend. in the last session, afte lot of discussion all group members were agree on this friend forever concept.


Application Description

friend forever is a digital best friend which not only helps but also guide its best friend in every possible way. Think of the problem and your friend forver is there to help you out.

friend forver in Pharmacy: You are in pharmacy shop and ask for some medicine. you forgot that you have allergy with this medicines and that might lead to disaster. Don’t worry friend forever is there to help you out. As you order the friend forever say, hay man don’t buy it, don’t you remember, doctor has asked you to not to use this medicine and you say oh yes and you are back on track.

friend forever in Food Shop: You are in a store and going to buy high calories chocolate and forgot that u have blood pressure problem. But don’t you worry friend forever is there to help you out. It will say don’t buy this Carmel, don’t you remember doctor has banned this thing on you. It will not only stop you fro this but also give you suggestion rather buying this buy a mars which is low calories and doctor also recommended this.

friend forever and party time: There is big party at your home and you invited all close relatives of you wife and now you have to buy all those things which your wife’s mother, father, brother and sisters like. You are in PLUS and you don’t remember even a single thing about anyone’s taste. No Problem, friend forever is there. It remembers everything, last time it saved everything and can guide you toward for shopping for party.

Target User Group

The target user group for “friend forever” is common user, who can use this application on normal Personal digital Assistants (PDA). A digital device; a normal user have, on which any external application can be installed is prime recipient for this application. Especially for old age group, this application is an asset.

Feature List

- Health

o       Takes care of information about user’s any diseases

o       Has knowledge of all well known diseases list

o       Provides the interface to update disease list

o       Provides the interface to update user’s heath care, e.g. after a visit to doctor he/she can update health care information

- Food

o       Keeps user update about any conflicts with the food used by user

o       Helps in food shopping, taking care of his health

o       Has knowledge of family and friends preferences about food

o       Has knowledge of expenses about food for specific events or duration


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Last updated: 01/31/04.